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普遍C 编写错误列表的程序

时间:2023-10-13 18:29:46 雅雅
 Ambiguous operators need parentheses -----------不明的计算应该用括弧来包括 Ambiguous symbol ''xxx'' ------------
 Ambiguous operators need parentheses -----------不明的计算应该用括弧来包括
Ambiguous symbol ''xxx'' ----------------不明的标记
Argument list syntax error ----------------性能参数拼写错误
Array bounds missing ------------------丢失二维数组边界符
Array size toolarge -----------------数组尺寸不合适
Bad character in paramenters ------------------主要参数包含不适当的标志符
Bad file name format in include directive --------------------包括指令中文件夹名称文件格式错误
Bad ifdef directive synatax ------------------------------编译程序预处理ifdef有词法错误
Bad undef directive syntax ---------------------------编译程序准备处理undef有词法错误
Bit field too large ----------------段名过长
Call of non-function -----------------调用未定义函数
Call to function with no prototype ---------------调用函数公式时,没有函数表示
Cannot modify a const object ---------------不允许修改变量定义目标
Case outside of switch ----------------丢失case 句子
Case syntax error ------------------ Case 拼写错误
Code has no effect -----------------代码无法描述,不太可能实现
Compound statement missing{ --------------------分程序流程遗漏“{”
Conflicting type modifiers ------------------不明类型说明符
Constant expression required ----------------规定常量表达式
Constant out of range in comparison -----------------在比较中,变量定义超过了
Conversion may lose significant digits -----------------数据在转换过程中会丢失价值
Conversion of near pointer not allowed -----------------近表针不能更换
Could not find file ''xxx'' -----------------------找不到XXX文档
Declaration missing ; ----------------表明缺乏";" houjiuming
Declaration syntax error -----------------拼写错误发生在说明中
Default outside of switch ------------------ Default 出现在switch句子之外
Define directive needs an identifier ------------------编译程序的准备和处理必须定义
Division by zero ------------------用零作除数
Do statement must have while ------------------ Do-while句子缺乏while
Enum syntax error ---------------------枚举类型拼写错误
Enumeration constant syntax error -----------------枚举类型常量拼写错误
Error directive :xxx ------------------------编译程序预处理命令不正确
Error writing output file ---------------------不正确地编写输出文件
Expression syntax error -----------------------关系拼写错误
Extra parameter in call ------------------------启用时发生了不必要的不正确的事情
File name too long ----------------文件名太长
Function call missing -----------------函数调用缺少右括号
Fuction definition out of place ------------------函数定义位置不正确
Fuction should return a value ------------------函数公式必须返回一个值
Goto statement missing label ------------------ Goto句子没有型号
Hexadecimal or octal constant too large ------------------16进制或8进制的常量很大
Illegal character ''x'' ------------------违法字符x
Illegal initialization ------------------非法复位
Illegal octal digit ------------------非法8进制数据 houjiuming
Illegal pointer subtraction ------------------非法表针做得不好
Illegal structure operation ------------------非法建筑结构的实际操作
Illegal use of floating point -----------------非法操作
Illegal use of pointer --------------------非法使用表针
Improper use of a typedefsymbol ----------------类型定义符号应用不正确
In-line assembly not allowed -----------------不允许使用行和行选
Incompatible storage class -----------------存储类型不兼容
Incompatible type conversion --------------------不兼容的数据转换
Incorrect number format -----------------------数据类型不正确
Incorrect use of default --------------------- 错误操作Default
Invalid indirection ---------------------毫无意义的间接性计算
Invalid pointer addition ------------------表针要求和失效
Irreducible expression tree -----------------------无法完成的关系计算
Lvalue required ---------------------------逻辑值0或非0值必须是必须的
Macro argument syntax error -------------------主要参数拼写错误
Macro expansion too long ----------------------宏扩张后太长
Mismatched number of parameters in definition ---------------------定义中主要参数的数量不一致
Misplaced break ---------------------break句子不能出现在这里
Misplaced continue ------------------------continue句子不能在这里发生
Misplaced decimal point --------------------小数位不能在这里发生
Misplaced elif directive --------------------eliff准备处理不可编译程序
Misplaced else ----------------------elseeeesee不会发生在这里 houjiuming
Misplaced else directive ------------------编译程序预处理elseee
Misplaced endif directive -------------------编译程序预处理endiff
Must be addressable ----------------------一定要能编地址
Must take address of memory location ------------------必须存储详细的定位地址
No declaration for function ''xxx'' -------------------函数公式xxx没有解释
No stack ---------------局部变量缺乏
No type information ------------------没有类型信息
Non-portable pointer assignment --------------------表针(详细地址常量)不能移动取值
Non-portable pointer comparison --------------------不能移动表针(详细地址常量)
Non-portable pointer conversion ----------------------不能移动表针(详细地址常量)
Not a valid expression format type ---------------------非法关系文件格式
Not an allowed type ---------------------不允许使用的类型
Numeric constant too large -------------------标值常太大
Out of memory -------------------内存不够 houjiuming
Parameter ''xxx'' is never used ------------------能量xxx没有使用
Pointer required on left side of -> -----------------------标记->左侧必须有表针
Possible use of ''xxx'' before definition -------------------xxx(警示)在定义前使用
Possibly incorrect assignment ----------------值肯定会合适
Redeclaration of ''xxx'' -------------------xxxxx反复重新定义
Redefinition of ''xxx'' is not identical ------------------- xxx的两个定义不一致
Register allocation failure ------------------存储器地址不成功
Repeat count needs an lvalue ------------------重复记数必须是逻辑值
Size of structure or array not known ------------------建筑结构或数给尺寸的不确定性
Statement missing ; ------------------句子后缺“”;"
Structure or union syntax error --------------建筑结构或联合拼写错误
Structure size too large ----------------建筑结构尺寸不合适
Sub scripting missing ] ----------------没有右括号的字符
Superfluous & with function or array ------------------函数公式或二维数组中有多余的“&”
Suspicious pointer conversion ---------------------可疑表针变换
Symbol limit exceeded ---------------标记超限额
Too few parameters in call -----------------调用函数时,实参低于函数的参数不是
Too many default cases ------------------- 太多的Default(switch句子中的一个)
Too many error or warning messages --------------------有太多的错误警告信息
Too many type in declaration -----------------说明种类太多了 houjiuming
Too much auto memory in function -----------------函数公式所需的部分存储过多
Too much global data defined in file ------------------文档中全局性数据信息过多
Two consecutive dots -----------------连续两个句号
Type mismatch in parameter xxx ----------------xxx的主要参数类型不匹配
Type mismatch in redeclaration of ''xxx'' ---------------- xxx重定义的类型不匹配
Unable to create output file ''xxx'' ----------------输出文件xxxxx无法创建
Unable to open include file ''xxx'' ---------------无法打开所涉及的xxxx文件
Unable to open input file ''xxx'' ----------------无法打开输入文件xxxx
Undefined label ''xxx'' -------------------xxxxx没有定义型号
Undefined structure ''xxx'' -----------------xxxx没有定义结构
Undefined symbol ''xxx'' -----------------xxxxx没有定义标记
Unexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx ----------注释从xxx开始还没有结束,文档不能完成
Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx ----从xxx 在if语句开始之前,文档不能完成
Unknown assemble instruction ----------------不确定的选编结构 houjiuming
Unknown option ---------------实际操作不确定
Unknown preprocessor directive: ''xxx'' -----------------奇怪的预处理命令xxxx
Unreachable code ------------------无路可达的编码
Unterminated string or character constant -----------------字符串数组缺乏冒号
User break ----------------客户被迫暂停程序流程
Void functions may not return a value ----------------- Void类型的函数不得有传参
Wrong number of arguments -----------------启用函数的参数数量错误
''xxx'' not an argument ----------------- XXX并非主要参数
''xxx'' not part of structure -------------------- XXX并非建筑结构的一部分
xxx statement missing ( -------------------- xxx句子缺乏左括号
xxx statement missing ) ------------------ 缺乏右括号的xxx句子
xxx statement missing ; -------------------- xxx缺乏分号 houjiuming
xxx'' declared but never used -------------------反映xxx但没有使用
xxx'' is assigned a value which is never used ----------------------给xxx赋值,但没用过