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FIT2104 网页数据库接口

时间:2023-10-28 08:45:57
FIT2104 Web Database Interface Assignment 5 Specifications Title: Implementation with Rapid Development Framework Notes 1. This assignment is worth 20% of the total mark for the unit 2. This is a group assignment and is to be completed by 2 students working together 3. See Moodle for deadline, extension and special consideration policy 4. Please complete the “Plagiarism Coversheet Electronic quiz” on Moodle before submit, if not yet Due dates Preparation practices By completing weekly lectures and labs Question & answer session(s) - By posting your question on the discussion forum - By organising consultation with your tutor - Ask for help during weekly labs Application Implementation: Exam Week 2 Wednesday 8th November @ 11:55pm AEDT Contribution Peer Evaluation: Due date same as above Scenario Project descriptions Nathan was satisfied with your presentation and report, and decided to hire you to complete the proposed web system for his business. However, due to the limited budget, only a selection of features, a mix of what you may have proposed and some newly identified needs, are to be implemented. He also wants you to develop the project with modularisation and maintainability in mind for easy future expansions when needed. The expectation of this assignment is to develop a CakePHP application for Nathan that enables him and his staff to interactively manage data for his recruiting business. FIT2104 Semester 2, 2023 | 1
General requirements The web application must use CakePHP as the development framework and the database must be a MySQL database using a schema that is compliant with CakePHP’s database conventions. Your code must follow the best practice and conventions of CakePHP. Implementations such as (but not limited to): ● use of languages other than PHP or development frameworks other than CakePHP ● not using the latest version/release of CakePHP or related plugins ● schema that is non-compliance with CakePHP conventions ● directly executing queries with PDO, mysqli, etc. or using ConnectionManager or getTableLocator() in non-expected locations, such as inside of a view template ● hard-code links or HTML forms without using CakePHP view helpers will result in deductions of marks or your assignment not being marked at all. If you have any questions regarding the requirements of this assignment, you MUST discuss it with your tutor or lecturer via discussion forum (preferred, so others can see the answer) and/or during the consultations. If not sure, just ask